Yes it’s that time of year again. My good friend Matt has registered himself to partake this year and details can be found at Matt Barnes if you feel a warm and fuzzy feeling in your heart to help raise awareness and funds for Men’s health, please give what you can to the cause.

Funds are committed to our men’s health partners, the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia and beyondblue: the national depression initiative and the Movember Foundation. Together, the three channels work to ensure that Movember funds are supporting a broad range of innovative, world class programs in the fields of research, education, support, and awareness.

In other news, nothing much is happening with the good ole Dags here. Just coding. Planning a big move in the upcoming weeks. Other than that, just really strapped for free time. Hope you guys are keeping yourselves well entertained on the intarwebs while I take my time to update the site here.
